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Lifelong Learning Institute at Waubonsee Community College

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In-Person Courses

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My Travels in the Ukraine


with Susan Foody

Calendar Mar 18, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 1 week

Co-facilitator: Kim Carew

Aurora resident Jim Gamache has recently traveled extensively throughout the Ukraine with various humanitarian organizations. Jim will share his experiences with the Ukrainian people, what we should know about the country, the war, and how we can best stay informed.

Will run

Iconic Photographs: Finding Today's Meaning in History


with Olive Poliks

Calendar Mar 25, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 1 week

History will be viewed through the eyes of three photographers: Social Reformer Jacob Riis (1849-1914); WWII Correspondant, Ernie Pyle (1909-1945); and Presidential Diarist Pete Souza (1954-present). Their photographs bring history alive. How are they revelant today? What old lessons will forever remain new? We will explore these questions together and make our own "iconic photographs" through the magic of memory and imagination.

Full Course

Growing and Using Herbs


with Helen Snyder

Calendar Mar 26, 2025 at 1 pm, runs for 1 week

Herbs are a healthy way to introduce new flavors into your diet, new fragrances into your home and add texture to your garden. This course will discuss growing, collecting and preserving techniques for all kinds of herbs and offer suggestions for using herbs in cooking. This is a University of Illinois class presented by a Kane County Master Gardener.

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The Scarlet Letter - Then and Now


with Phyllis Deerinck

Calendar Mar 27, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 4 weeks

The Scarlet Letter (published in 1850) features these vivid lines: “They were, doubtless, good men, just and sage. But out of the whole human family, it would not have been easy to select the same number of wise and virtuous persons, who should be less capable of sitting in judgement of an erring woman’s heart, and disentangling its mesh of good and evil, than the sages, of ridged aspect, towards whom Hester Pyrnne her face.” How could a book almost 175 years old speak so presciently about modern events? Participants will read and discuss The Scarlet Letter in the context of its own time and discover what insights it might offer about the relationship of modern society and its own “scarlet women.”

Required Book: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Will run

Introduction to Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Power Plants


with Ruth Harmon

Calendar Apr 8, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 3 weeks

In the first 2 sessions on Zoom, the participants will be presented with the basics of how nuclear power works. They will be given a basic history of nuclear power plants and the various adaptations of nuclear power plants that have occurred over time. In the 3rd session in person, the participants will debate the advisablity of nuclear energy as a power source.

Note: Session one and two will be on Zoom. Session three will be at the Batavia Library.

Full Course

Our Hearts Were Young and Gay


with JoAnn Gryder

Calendar Apr 8, 2025 at 1 pm, runs for 2 weeks

Co-facilitator: Ceil Carey

Join us as we read aloud the classic play, Our Hearts Were Young and Gay, adapted by Jean Kerr in 1964 from Cornelia Otis Skinner & Emily Kimbrough's book (1942). Get in character as we read the play about the escapades of the young ladies determined to prove how "cosmopolitan" they can be on an uproarious trip to Europe. It will provide insight into a very different time. Scripts shall be provided. As a tribute to Tryna Zeedyk who led several play readings for LLI, we ask that participants wear a hat to the sessions as she did for all LLI events.

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Creating Mixed-Media Experimental Nature Art


with Bobbie Brown

Calendar Apr 29, 2025 at 1 pm, runs for 4 weeks

Repeat of a previous class. Limited to 8 attendees.

A class of hands-on creative and messy fun! Participants will combine nature printing, direct painting, and drawing to create unique works of art that interpret the beauty of nature. Basic art materials will be supplied, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer. 

Course Objective: To enhance a sense of wonder by experimenting with art depicting nature.

Full Course

How Different Are Women Than Men?


with Jay Labelle

Calendar Apr 30, 2025 at 10 am, runs for 1 week

Co-facilitator: Carl Hays

Hear a vivid author, Elizabeth Comen, Harvard M.D. tell how women's unique being prioritizes their healthy and vibrant life. She says assertive, informed and confident women are architechs of their own destiny.

Optional book: All in Her Head by Elizabeth Comen

Will run

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